Baby Sleep Essentials

You are tired and ready to sleep again or get independent sleep but you don't want cry it out or outdated, generic sleep advice that makes no sense.

Ready to get more sleep on your terms without giving up those "bad habits"?

You know the ones -- nursing, rocking, cuddling & loving on your baby.

Feel like you can't have better rest and snuggle your baby to sleep?


Don't believe me?
Read for yourself what Anne's post Baby Sleep Essentials life is like

 I want to say a huge THANK YOU for releasing your course.❤️

 😂 I am a first-time mom, and I was struggling with my baby falling asleep (and staying asleep) since the beginning. My self-confidence was really low because of so much "advice" from my relatives. They made me feel really bad for nursing my little girl to sleep, for letting her nap on me, for not letting her cry herself to sleep, and for not sleeping alone in her crib. They were always telling me I was spoiling her and using bad habits. Bedtime lasted for hours, she didn't fall asleep for naps, she was always overtired, and she would wake up to 10 times at night to nurse.

It was exhausting, and everybody was so tired. When I finally found you during the 4-month sleep regression, it was such a gift. Using your course helped us in reaching our goals while still nursing to sleep and holding onto bedsharing. The things we love and enjoy so much!  After your course, bedtime is the best part of the day, and baby falls asleep easily. She is napping on me and we are laying her down almost anywhere. She’s waking up for night nursing (more like dream feeding) about 4 times but falls asleep immediately with no split nights. Our baby now goes to sleep at 6:30pm and starts the day at 7am!

Baby Sleep Essentials Course Owner

In case you missed it, that's a  60% reduction in night wakings  while still nursing to sleep. And she’s not the only one.

Look what these well rested parents are saying about their experience...

With the tools and guidance in Baby Sleep Essentials, you will...

Enjoy a deep and secure connection with your baby, understanding you’ve chosen sleep support from an infant mental health specialist who puts attachment and child well-being at the core of her practice.

Rise in the morning feeling recharged after a peaceful bedtime routine,  precious “me” time, and shorter, less frequent night wakings.  

Confidently share your knowledge with friends and family about biologically normal infant sleep at every stage of development and why you’ve chosen NOT to let your baby cry it out or sleep train.  

Know exactly how to respond to your baby’s current and future sleep challenges using lifetime access to a variety of present and relationship focused tools and techniques designed for parents who wish to set loving limits and boundaries.

This is exactly what I've been searching for!

Hey there! I’m Valerie.

As a Baby-led Certified sleep coach I work with families to improve their infant’s sleep without resorting to cry-it-out methods that may compromise their child’s needs and undermine a parent’s own beliefs.

Using my background in pyschology and social work including my Bachelor’s in Psychology and a Master of Social Work (MSW) from the University of Toronto, I became a child and family mental health therapist focused on children 0-6 years old.   I have extensive experience supporting parent-child relationships and children’s social, emotional, and behavioral challenges.   I’m trained and certified in infant and child mental health, postpartum and maternal mental health, parenting, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Attachment Focused Therapies just to name a few! 

I’m a real-life mom who has struggled with her baby’s sleep just like you. I created Talkin’ Sleep’s Baby Sleep Essentials to kickstart your personal journey to a rested night’s sleep free of guilt, shame, or regret knowing your top priority is still your baby.  I’ve worked with hundreds of families, and I can say with confidence that you absolutely can get better sleep without sleep training.  

Will I see you in the next course?

Still thinking it over?

I was once exactly where you are now, exhausted and desperate for information that could actually help me get better sleep. My newborn baby was nursing every other hour for an hour and constantly screaming. I struggled with breastfeeding and continued to receive advice from friendly and professionals that made it seem like painful and difficult breastfeeding was normal. (It’s not!) I searched obsessively for some real, science-based methods that could help my baby sleep. 

I felt bombarded with endless conflicting advice and information that made me feel lost, confused and doubtful of my own judgement. By the time the 4-month sleep regression appeared, our son was waking 45 minutes after bedtime and then every 1-2 hours after that. I was exhausted, and even my pediatrician was telling me I needed to sleep train right away or risk losing sleep for the next three years. There had to be another way! 

That’s when I discovered the Baby-Led Sleep and Well-Being Specialist certification. Once I had the tools I needed, things really began to turn around for me and my baby. This difficulty finding reliable, quality support and information ignited my journey for developing sleep services you can actually trust.  

Ready to turn your sleep journey around with me?


Baby Sleep Essentials

Baby Sleep Essentials is my best-selling online course that will teach you how to improve your baby’s sleep with easy to digest, factual information and the latest sleep science.

Are you ready to cry tears of joy over your peacefully sleeping baby?

With results like these, you are really just a click away…

The course gave me relief knowing that sleep training isn’t the only way to help improve baby’s sleep.

The course content provides great insight on baby sleep, what’s normal and what really could be going on when baby is waking up multiple times or having short naps. I have taken two other sleep courses before this and I feel like I finally found one that provides insight into baby’s sleep behaviour. The course gave me relief knowing that sleep training isn’t the only way to help improve baby’s sleep.


"I love how you put baby and his/her needs first, without question.
If something needs to change for the parents (e.g. rocking is causing back pain), you always approach it from the baby's point of view and how to accommodate that in a way that's best for baby. Because that's what we all want as parents, what's best for our little one!

Furthermore, as a scientist myself, I love that your course is based on research and science on what is biologically normal and appropriate for them. Although our son is a pretty good sleeper, it just makes me feel that much more confident to have the course as a resource when we do hit a bump in the road, or when he seems to be changing his habits (as they seem to do very frequently)."


I am SO HAPPY I found this course

I wish it had existed when I was pregnant or at the very least in the newborn stage of my parenting journey. The information provided is fundamental to understanding your baby's sleep, yes, but this course goes beyond that.

I feel like a better, more present and mindful parent having followed it. I love the way the course is divided; the sections build on each other and the content is easily consumed. It really helps you have realistic expectations surrounding your baby's sleep and paving the path for sustainable sleep routines that are compatible with your family.

The course also has a great section regarding normal and abnormal sleep disruptors and how to "fix" them, if you will. I feel like I now have the tools to help adapt and adjust as baby grows older. As a sidenote, I tried a cheaper baby sleep course a few months back and it was horrid. And now, I feel empowered and that is a rare gift from an internet course 😉


Here’s what’s waiting for you inside 
Baby Sleep Essentials…

Module 1:
Introduction & Ideal Sleep Environment

In this first module, I’ll give you all the details on our specialized approach to sleep that considers the whole baby and the whole parent. You’ve never taken a sleep course like this before.

A great sleep environment is like a secret third parent who is working behind the scenes to make sure everyone is getting the optimum level of rest. It’s a game-changer and one of my favorite modules. I can’t wait to share with you all the tools for setting up your own personalized space, routines, and mind-set for peaceful baby sleep.

Module 2
Setting Realistic Expectations

How many times have I seen a sleep course guaranteeing results if you just “follow the schedule 100% of the time and really commit to the process.” I don’t know about you, but with a new baby in the house, I can’t even commit to eating lunch every day. In this module, I’ll set REALISTIC expectations regarding baby sleep, discuss what is biologically normal at every stage based on real science, and address your burning questions about wake windows, naps, and bedtime WITHOUT generic schedules or prescriptive methods.

Module 3:
How to help your baby sleep easier
& longer: Troubleshooting Wakes

Doesn’t it seem like the millisecond you have a peaceful sleep routine, your baby starts throwing late night parties in your bed and waking up indecently early? This module has you covered. I’ll combine my extensive experience with child mental health and all the knowledge I’ve gained working with hundreds of families to help identify and solve these all too common, anxiety-inducing sleep challenges.

Module 4
Making Changes and Transitions. 

You’ve heard the saying, “babies grow up so fast”, but mothers do too! Through your own hard work and determination, you’ve achieved so much with your baby already. In this module, I’ll guide you through the final stops in your baby’s journey to toddler (aka independent) sleep with tips and tricks to confidently and calmly navigate upcoming sleep changes and transitions.

Ready to stop nursing or rocking to sleep, want baby to go from co-sleeping to crib, or get partner to put your baby down - we've got you covered with baby and parent approved solutions

Knowledge is power--that's true. Support--that's the key to success.

Premium Support Materials
(That you can download)

Are you a tactile person who needs a paper copy to process? Or maybe you just want to make sure when you're away from the internet you can still have access to Baby Sleep Support? Either way we've got you covered! Inside Baby Sleep Essentials Premium, our Handbook and Workbook are both downloadable for your convenience.

Ready to start getting the restful sleep you and your baby deserve with a sleep support team you can count on?

Did we mention there's a
30-day No-Risk Guarantee?

With my 30-day money back guarantee, try our Baby Sleep Essentials course at no risk.

We believe that our personalized and attachment-based methods of helping baby sleep, combined with our premium support is something you and your baby will love.  BUT...we're not for everyone.

If you complete the course within 30-days of purchase and find that that our approach to baby sleep isn't the right fit for you, then you can request a return on your investment. It's that simple.

Learning and meeting the needs of individual babies is what I’m all about, and you won’t find that level of personalized attention with just any sleep course.

I want desperate parents to know that there is an alternative to crying-it-out and actual baby sleep science--that takes into account your whole baby--supports these gentle methods.

That’s why I set out to show people a different way of improving baby sleep, and well, it’s working…

My sleep support method is giving families their confidence back, one course a time. 

Is Baby Sleep Essentials the right solution for your family?

Here's a little check to see...

🎉 You’re a first parent and have no clue what the heck to do when it comes to sleep but believe that your can't spoil your baby with  love and connection

🎉 This isn't your first rodeo, but you cried it out with your last child(ren) and are NOT doing that again and wants to do things differently
🎉 You question things that don't sit well with your gut, and tend not to do things the same way as your parents (because science has evolved!)

🎉 You want to parent using your intuition but need support when it feels like now one in your personal circle understands your decisions need some extra encouragement
🎉 You want to feel confident in knowing that you’re doing what’s best for your baby because every decision feels like a guessing game
🎉 You’re willing to accept that normal infant sleep doesn't always mean uninterupted sleep while wanting to do  what you can to maximize your baby’s (and family's) sleep

This is not the course for you if...

⛔ You want someone to come in and save the night by telling you exactly how to "fix" everything and provide your with a step by step plan of action

⛔ You want to put your baby in the crib and walk out

⛔ You’re looking for a “magic” solution to your family's sleep situation that's instantly going to change your life (I hate to tell you – it doesn’t exist!)

⛔ You want your baby to fall asleep completely independently without any soothing, rocking, touch or breastfeeding

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Baby Sleep Essentials is delivered in short (5-15 minute) videos explaining what you need to know to make changes right away. It’s a self-paced course that allows you to go directly to the content that is relevant to you. With lifetime access to the course, you can return to content over and over as your baby (or your family) grows. 

I am confident that my course will work for your baby. The content is based on the most pressing questions I receive from parents in their baby’s first year. I change and update the course content based on feedback from parents like you! If you’ve taken the course and did not find it helpful, get a full refund with our 30-day money back guarantee. Honestly, I don't want your money if you don't find the course helpful.

No. You will never be asked to leave your baby to cry for any length of time or reason. You will never be asked to ignore your intuition. You will not be taught to teach your baby to sleep. (It is a biological function after all!) 

This course helps get your baby down to the minimum number of night wakings that still meets their needs in an age appropriate way. For some babies this will be a full night, but other babies may still wake at night and require a quick feed or resettling. I’ve designed this course to help you eliminate the root of what is causing wake-ups, but I would be weary of trusting any sleep courses that guarantee a certain number of hours of sleep. 

The course is designed for the first year (0-12 months), but the content is relevant up to 18 months. However, if your baby is over 13+ months, it may be better to wait for my toddler sleep course.

If you’re using my free content and it’s working for you, that’s great! Many families still find they need additional information and resources to make an impact on their baby’s sleep. My online course offers more specific actionable steps addressing a much wider variety of topics than you might see featured on my social media accounts. 

No, this course does not cover night weaning. We do cover it in this webinar.

This course is designed to help you guide your baby to their best possible sleep by focusing on the things that are in your control. This includes their environment, expanding knowledge of their own unique personality and needs, having realistic expectations, balancing household schedules, and identifying the reasons for sleep disruptions. If there is a known medical issue that is causing a sleep disruption, treating the condition should be your first step in that process.

Get that oh-so-sweet sleep you deserve!